Design Intent

Grande Prairie’s downtown streetscape vision was intended to provide a unified perspective and driving force in moving the enhancement initiative forward. Results from the workshops and public engagement process informed the development of the following streetscape vision statement:

As the metropolitan heart of the city, downtown Grande Prairie will be a modern reflection of urban spirit and cultural vitality. Through unique and adaptive urban design, the downtown streetscapes will attract growth and support year-round activity, promoting a sense of civic pride.

Successful engagement and a sense of community ownership was achieved by asking broad value-based questions to establish the vision and aspirations for downtown Grande Prairie. It was also important to understand the public’s concerns and desired improvements in order to examine how design could address those issues. This allowed the team to recommend design solutions in line with public feedback and Grande Prairie’s unique environmental circumstances. By improving the streetscape, the community expressed that they would visit the downtown more frequently. Recommendations were made with the hope that the enhancements would support an active and vibrant downtown destination that embraces the culture of Grande Prairie and catalyzes future downtown redevelopment.


As one of Canada’s fastest growing cities, the Grande Prairie downtown is an ideal centre for redevelopment and intensification. The Streetscape Enhancement & Rehabilitation Project was intended to spur future intensification through the implementation of streetscape improvements and enhancements that add to the downtown’s functionality, urban spirit, and economic vitality. The recommendations aimed to enhance the economic value of the downtown by:

  • Establishing enhanced streetscape conditions that attract small, boutique businesses
  • Improving the opportunities for night, weekend, and all-season activities in the downtown through longer business hours and climate friendly design; and
  • Promoting downtown business via coordinated signage and way finding features.


Description of how NAK’s approach enhanced or considered the environmental impact of the project. Due to Grande Prairie’s northern climate, many proposed enhancements inherently included sustainable technologies in landscaping and future built form, such as:

  • Implementing planting best practices to ensure healthy, context sensitive growing conditions;
  • Planting deciduous trees on southern building faces to provide cooling in the summer, while still allowing sunlight to filter in during the winter;
  • Planting coniferous vegetation on north and west sides of outdoor areas to offer protection from prevailing winter winds;
  • Using sustainable materials and construction best practices to decrease maintenance frequency and cost;
  • Using technology and materials that can appropriately withstand winter weather conditions;
  • Sourcing local materials for ease of future replacement;
  • Siting downtown snow storage areas where they will receive sufficient solar radiation to speed melt-off;
  • Continually exploring innovative and sustainable de-icing treatments;
  • Orienting future buildings to maximize solar exposure, protect outdoor spaces from long shadows or prevailing winds, and minimize wind tunneling effects
  • Promoting a dense, compact, downtown development pattern.



Canadian Institute of Planners 2016 Award for Planning Excellence Merit (Urban Design)